Thursday, October 7, 2010

10-07-10: Well the Challenge is over and the dust is settling. Its been a fun ride. I and several others did the Mike's Mad Dash 5k and had a good time. I plan on doing it again next year. Will probably have several of my family members with me then.

As of to date, my weight is at 214 lbs. I've been sick the last six days so exercising went by the way side. I am hoping to start back up tonight when I get home.

Was in St. George over the weekend and had an opportunity to hike in Zion's Canyon. That was fun to do and beautiful to see. I commented to my wife Kate that at the beginning of the summer I would not have even tried to hike due to my weight an lack of energy. It made me feel good to be able to do it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to miss your post. It's been fun reading you accomplishments. I'm proud of you. Congrats Dad. Keep up the great work.
