Wednesday, July 28, 2010

07-28-10: Well I have to do some bragging. I had my scheduled appointment with my primary care physician this morning. The last few previous visits had not been going well. I was put on probation by him at my last visit because my blood sugars were getting worse. He was at the point of changing me from oral medications to insulin, something I am not wanting to do. So here are the results.

From May of this year to today, my A1C has gone from 7.6 to 6.3. He had to check the results twice to make sure the number was actually mine. And his records shows that I have lost 19 lbs from May until today. Needless to say, he was in "shock and ah." On a side note from January 21, 2010 to today's date his records show that I have lost 29 lbs. I was wearing size 44 waist pants in January.

He asked for more information about the 100 Day Heart Challenge and was very impressed with the program and the positive results that are achieved from it.

Some of the other benefits I've noticed is that I sleep through the night without tossing, turning and waking up. I cut the grass last night with out any interruptions or stopping and not being winded.

So even those these things may seem insufficient to you the reader, they are positive indicators that my heath is improving. And that I am proud of.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

07-27-10: Not really a lot to report in on. Getting back on track since my eye surgery last week. That went well and I am still surprised how much better I can see. Getting my exercise routine back on track. Yes it is still kicking my butt!!! But needed.

I have developed a new food vice, that being watermelon. I don't know why, but they seem unusually good this year.

Tomorrow I have my regular appointment with my primary care physician. I will be interested to see how thing are or have changed. It will be interesting to she what he has to say.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

07-28-10: For the two of you who may be reading this blog, you may have been wondering why nothing has been posted since the 12th. Then again, maybe not!!!! Like I may have indicated to you in a previous blog, I had family visiting for the first part of the month which I visited with once I left the hospital. Also this Monday, I had a minor eye surgery and took yesterday off to recuperate.

I was amazed with the ease this procedure seemed to be performed. Ten minutes in the OR and that was it. Recovery went well and I am seeing a heck of a lot better. I want to thank the OR Staff at Orem Community Hospital. They were all wonderful!!!

It has been rough with the diet and exercise this week. I missed the exercising on Monday and Tuesday due to the surgery. I have some restriction from my MD on exercising that I will have to encorporate. But I did meet with John, Personal Trainier, this morning and had what I thought to be a good workout even without the weight training portion. I will start that back up on Friday.

My weigh in Sunday showed me at 229.5 lbs. However, at the weigh in at the OR on Monday my weight showed 233 lbs. Not so sure my clothes weighed three and half pounds. Anyway, I am grateful some pounds are being lost.

People ask me how the program is going. I just want to report, for me great. Something I have needed for a very long time. I was asked by John this morning if I was going to participate in the 5K at AFH later this summer. I really had not considered it before, but my goal will be to at least walk it. I have never particiapted in a 5K or any kind of a K before. Another new opportunity that is opening up to me through the 100 Day Heart Challenge.

Monday, July 12, 2010

07-12-10: Another weekend has come and gone. Isn't it interesting how most of live for those two days off. Well one has to work hard to play hard I guess. Can't have a Friday without a Monday. My daughter Cristy and her family left this morning to head back to Texas. Things will be different when I get home tonight with no grand kids, no extra dog, no treats on the counter, and no toys on the floor.

I weighed in at 232 on Sunday morning for a loss of approximately 13 pounds since the start of this program. However I worked out this morning with John and while in front of the mirrors at the Wellness Center, I still could see "Java the Hut" staring back at me. VERY SCARY!!!! I wonder what it would take to get those mirrors replaced with the ones you see at amusement parks that make you look tall and skinny?

On the food front, I did indulge somewhat. I enjoy an Ab's Fat Boy Special. The original double patty cheese burger. Have any of you readers been there??? Well worth the drive up to Salt Lake. Too many family food fests this weekend also, but I did maintain, so it will be good to get back to a more normal routine.

For those of you that stopped to say hi to me at the American Fork Steel Days Car Show, it was good seeing you and chatting for a few minutes with you. Hope you enjoyed the show.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

07-08-10: It has been a little over a week since I last made comment on this blog. I never was good at keeping a journal. Too many of work and life's distractions seem to always get in the way.

It was nice to have some time off for the holidays. I could really get used to it quickly. I think its called retirement, someday maybe. The house was filled with family or family events, always plenty of good food. Have you caught on there seems to be a theme, that being food. So since I brought it up again let me just say, it was challenging to stay focused and on target with the diet.

I was faithful in my exercising. In fact, my wife came with me to the Wellness Center on Friday and Monday mornings. And yes, she out did me on the tread mill. But is was fun to spend the time together in doing something that is promoting good health.

In my last posting I mentioned that I went from a size 42 to 40 waist. Yesterday, I tried on a size 38. It's tight and I don't need a belt, but I was able to wear a size 38 jeans yesterday. So for me, that is a short term victory.

I was surprised that I only lost 1/2 pound last week. Keeping things in perspective, I don't know if I hit a plateau in the weight loss process or the holiday feasting was a hindrance. But, at least it didn't go up. I am curious what next Sunday's weigh in will bring.

I am still seeing some progress with my workouts with John. We are still ramping things up a little which is good. Again I do really appreciate all of his help and support.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

07-01-10: It's amazing to learn about food and what it all contains. I thought I was doing so well with some of them. For example, call me slow but, I figured that eating eggs for breakfast was a good thing. Not so. According the information provided in our class this morning, I should be eating less eggs due to their high cholesterol in the yokes. One trick to reduce the intake of cholesterol is to have one egg with the yoke and and the second be the white of the egg only. That simple act will cut the cholesterol intake by 50%. A cool thing to know for us egg lovers.

We were also taught the "Ten Principles of Intuitive Eating" which include the principles of rejecting the diet mentality, honor your hunger, make peace with food, challenge the food police, feel you fullness, discover the satisfaction factor, cope with your emotions without using food, respect your body, exercise-feel the difference and honor your healthy-gentle nutrition. Some real food for thought, yes, pun intended.

I had my workout with John yesterday. I just want to publicly thank him for his time and willingness to help me out. The workout is still kicking my butt and probably will forever, but definitely worth the effort. I am told that I am progressing quite well. Kind of hard not to do when you are starting at a remedial level. Only one direction to go in.

I believe I hit a mile stone this morning, I went from a size 42 waist to size 40. And the 40 is feeling loose around the middle. Kind of cool don't you think??