Tuesday, September 14, 2010

09-14-10: Got an email from Janet Frank this morning saying only nine days left with this challenge. Time really did travel quickly and I have to be honest in saying I will miss those associated with the program. For me, this has been a great experience, even a life saving experience for me personally. The hard part is just approaching, that being to continue to do this on my own without the formal support system of the 100 Day Challenge. The true test of personal change, where the rubber really hits the pavement.

I feel like I hit a mile stone, finally broke the 220 weight range on Sunday morning, weighed in at 219. Obviously, I want to loose more.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on breaking the 220 mark! That's great. I hope you keep it up. You deserve this for yourself. It's about time you do something for you and not everyone else. I'm proud of you.
