Wednesday, June 23, 2010

06-23-10: I met with John my Personal Trainer this morning. I have to admit I arrived at the Wellness Center feeling really tired and my butt was dragging big time. I pushed myself to do the recommended cardio and weight training routine that has been established. I was pleased that we were able to bump some of the exercised ups along with some weights.

Not sure if this is a result of trying to be more active, but I cut the grass last night without having to take breaks to catch my breath and stretch my lower back. I felt manly!!!! To celebrate my son Glenn and I took my 74 Plymouth Cuda out for a drive. That was enjoyable. An old fat guy in a 70's muscle car driving up and down Orem State Street feeling like a kid again.

I've been working hard to control the portions and types of food I've been eating. Yesterday was really tough. I had a bad case of the "hungries" all day but I maintained. I particularly enjoy the smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies last night.


  1. My fiancee keeps trying to get me to do what you are doing (be more active, eat less crap). I don't have willpower like you do, but I'm young... it doesn't matter for me, right?

  2. Oh Dad, I am SO proud of you! Reading about your blog makes me laugh and cry at the same time. I just love you and I can't tell you how excited I am for you for taking on this challenge. I truely hope you stick with it. You have inspired me. Besides that, we want you around for a LONG time. You are so much stronger then you think and I am happy for you and the little successes you notice each day. Keep it up. You have a support group behind you!

  3. Dear Entrys,

    Yes I think it does matter to you at your age now. I know now that if I had taken care of myself in my younger years, I most likely would not be dealing with some of the health issues I have now. Trust me on this one, no fun at all.

    I was/am the original Couch Potato when I get home from work. Exercising was not in my lifestyle and does not come easy for me. So when I tell you that if I can do it, you can too, its true.

    So listen to your fiancee, he/she is looking out for your well being and happiness.
