Thursday, July 1, 2010

07-01-10: It's amazing to learn about food and what it all contains. I thought I was doing so well with some of them. For example, call me slow but, I figured that eating eggs for breakfast was a good thing. Not so. According the information provided in our class this morning, I should be eating less eggs due to their high cholesterol in the yokes. One trick to reduce the intake of cholesterol is to have one egg with the yoke and and the second be the white of the egg only. That simple act will cut the cholesterol intake by 50%. A cool thing to know for us egg lovers.

We were also taught the "Ten Principles of Intuitive Eating" which include the principles of rejecting the diet mentality, honor your hunger, make peace with food, challenge the food police, feel you fullness, discover the satisfaction factor, cope with your emotions without using food, respect your body, exercise-feel the difference and honor your healthy-gentle nutrition. Some real food for thought, yes, pun intended.

I had my workout with John yesterday. I just want to publicly thank him for his time and willingness to help me out. The workout is still kicking my butt and probably will forever, but definitely worth the effort. I am told that I am progressing quite well. Kind of hard not to do when you are starting at a remedial level. Only one direction to go in.

I believe I hit a mile stone this morning, I went from a size 42 waist to size 40. And the 40 is feeling loose around the middle. Kind of cool don't you think??


  1. Hard work, but worth while - right Brian! Slow and steady will get you to your target. I'm glad to see you're so positive.

  2. I'm so impressed! You're doing awesome! I find that 1 egg with the whites of 2 eggs is enough to fill me up and not lose too much of the real egg taste. Keep up the great work! Janet Frank
